Sunday, February 28, 2010

flickr: t a y l o r and l o e

t a y l o r and l o e. your photos speak to me. i came across the set "kristen and jaime," and i was instantly drawn in. fun, flirty, sexy, beautiful, and intimate, are all revealed. this is what relationshipsare about. the last time i checked, i never saw a sign up sheet for, "lie to me, run all over me, stress me out, and question my self-worth." if these two people aren't really "into one another, i might even feel as if i've been deceived. the image w/the bubbles floating between them, is fantastic! the lighting,the composure, the mood, the negative space........all very beautiful. i am also intrigued by the back of their heads image (under the same set "kristen and jaime). depending on the viewer, one could walk away with many different interpretations. i see solitude. a simple image with a none simple message. technically, once again, great use of negative space, and composition. a truly brilliant portrait. t a y l o r and l o e, thank you and your art, today is your day here.


k r i s t e n & j a m i e

k r i s t e n & j a m i e

k r i s t e n & j a m i e

Monday, February 15, 2010

flickr: kyrstin brianna!

kyrstin brianna! today is your day here. i have delayed this day for quite some time. i knew that describing your work would be difficult for me. you make life beautiful, by how you have chosen to live it. you remain optomistic. whether emotions are in your favor, or playing against you. i see her unique perspective on life, and it inspires all who know her. just as impacting verbally, as it is visually, her work has created a style of it's own. a poetic photographer is what you are. i have asked myself over and over, which comes first?!? are your thoughts the inspration behind your photographs, or are your experiences what create your photographs, and then later you process out your thoughts?? the past, the present, the past back in the present; it's all a part of your past and present life, and your bright outlook on the future. keep the mind spinning, and the camera clicking kyrstin brianna! we are growing with you. thank you and your art. today is your day here.

to see more

it takes more than a heartbeat to get me [EXPLORE]

smack of sunshine

smack of sunshine
Originally uploaded by kyrstin brianna!

w is for water

w is for water
Originally uploaded by kyrstin brianna!

born barley there

born barley there
Originally uploaded by kyrstin brianna!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

flickr: flamingtea

flamingtea. today is your day here. you have inspired so many with your creativity and unique style. photojournalistic with a twist. with soo many photographers shooting this type of work, it's hard to stand out amongst the crowd, yet you tower over. your optimistic nature shines through. flamingtea, otherwise known as olivia (got this info. from your testimonials), lives her life to the fullest. i don't see another way of living, but unfortunately, there are very few who can commit to this lifestyle. it takes a carefree, live in the moment, chase your dreams soul. i believe that flamingtea represents a mirror image of who she truly is, through her photography. apparently we all want this lifestyle, but fear stands in the way of those who don't persue it. so, olivia, your photos provide an outting for the less fortunate and fearful. they're like therapy really. personally, i love every single aspect of life you represent. you reassure me, that i'm not the only one who goes and does as she chooses. dreamy, fun, energetic,  youthful, spontaneous, and worldy. this is what i see in you and your photographs. thank you and your art. today is your day here. 

to see more

ann arbor, michigan.

ann arbor, michigan.
Originally uploaded by flamingtea

Originally uploaded by flamingtea

Originally uploaded by flamingtea

Originally uploaded by flamingtea

Originally uploaded by flamingtea